Dentist in Kittanning Highlights 5 Benefits of a Straight Smile

October 3, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — vollersmiles @ 2:28 am

woman with straight teethWhen it comes to the appearance of your teeth, do alignment issues cause you to feel insecure? If so, you are not alone. In fact, it is estimated that one-third of adults do not like how their smiles look. Although you have considered orthodontics in the past, you may feel as though you are too old for them. However, this is not true. A straight smile involves more than just correcting cosmetic concerns. It also improves your oral and overall health. To promote your well-being, it may be time to call your dentist in Kittanning for an orthodontic consultation.

1. Improved Confidence

Naturally, one of the greatest benefits that comes from properly aligned teeth involves improved confidence. Research shows that the appearance of your teeth can negatively impact your social and career prospects as the imperfections can make you less outgoing. By aligning your teeth, you will feel more confident to open new doors to a brighter future.

2. Promote Your Oral Health

When the teeth are not properly aligned, they are more difficult to clean. As a result, you have a heightened risk for developing dental complications, like tooth decay and gum disease. By moving them into their correct positions, they become easier to clean, allowing you to lessen your risk for oral health issues.

3. Protect Your General Health

Your general health is directly linked to your oral health. If dental issues develop, like gum disease, it can cause many serious health complications to occur, such as heart disease. By aligning your smile, you will reduce your risk for developing dental issues that can negatively impact your overall health.

4. Reduce Dental Emergencies

Teeth that are not properly aligned tend to have an increased risk for suffering damage when trauma to the mouth occurs, which can lead to dental emergencies. Teeth that are not aligned will take the brunt of the force, often resulting in a broken, chipped, or dislodged tooth. With one in six Americans facing a dental emergency every year, you can lower your risk with a straight smile.

5. Prevent TMJ Disorders

Misaligned teeth often create a poor bite, which can cause issues with the temporomandibular joint to develop. The uneven pressure will cause the joint to become irritated and inflamed, decreasing your quality of life. By correcting your bite, you can prevent TMJ disorders while also improving the symptoms of the condition if you already suffer from complications with the joint.

Get a Straight Smile Today!

Now, there are many orthodontic solutions that are available for adults that are less noticeable and offer reduced treatment times. If you are ready to invest in yourself, it is time to schedule a consultation for orthodontics in Kittanning.

About Dr. Ray Voller

Dr. Ray Voller is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine. In addition to his dental degree, he has earned a certificate in orthodontics and is supported by six levels of continued education. If you are interested in improving your oral health with a straight smile, contact Voller Dentistry, PC today to schedule a consultation.


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