Free Your Child’s Tied Tongue or Lips with Laser Frenectomy in Kittanning

September 27, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 8:34 pm
Tongue tie

Does your child have trouble with breastfeeding? Or do they struggle when trying to make certain sounds? If so, they may have a severe case of tongue tie or lip tie that’s stopping your little one from moving their mouth as freely as they need to in order to perform certain oral tasks. How does this happen, and how can a laser frenectomy in Kittanning help? Here’s what you’ll need to know to help make sure your child grows up being able to enjoy life as fully as possible.


What are Your Crowns and Fillings Made Of?

September 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 8:26 pm
Crowns and fillings

It goes without saying that if your tooth has been broken after crunching on some ice or if you have a large cavity that needs to be filled in, your first call should be to your dentist in Kittanning. They’ll create a restoration for you and you alone that’ll protect your pearly whites and help prevent further damage. But what kind will you get? Learn more about the different materials used to make crowns and fillings as well as why they might be chosen.
