With 2023 fast approaching, now is a good time to stop and think about your oral health. Do you feel like you could be doing a better job of taking care of your smile? If so, the new year can be an excellent opportunity to start making improvements to your oral health care. One of the first things you can do is schedule a visit to your dentist as soon as possible. Below are a few of the benefits of having a dental checkup and cleaning performed early in the year.
1. It Can Help You Meet Your Deductible
Many people have dental insurance plans with benefits that reset at the beginning of each calendar year. This means that your deductible – the amount you have to pay out of pocket before your coverage kicks in – is reset as well. Scheduling your first preventive appointment early in the year can help you meet your deductible sooner, allowing you to take full advantage of your benefits if you need additional dental work in the coming months.
2. It Makes It More Likely That Cavities Will Be Caught While They’re Small
Tooth decay only grows more severe over time if it isn’t identified and treated by a professional. However, since cavities often develop silently, you may not even realize there’s a problem until it’s too late. Your dentist is trained to look for signs of decay that you might have overlooked. By having the problem treated early, you can potentially avoid root canal therapy and other procedures.
3. It Helps You Maintain Healthy Gums
Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss, and the problem only becomes more difficult to manage the longer it goes unaddressed. Excellent oral hygiene is key for warding off gum disease, which is just one of many reasons why visiting your dentist regularly for cleanings is so important.
4. It Helps You Identify Areas That You Can Be Brushing Better
You may feel like you’re doing a thorough job of brushing your teeth, but the mouth contains a lot of areas that can be easily overlooked. Your dentist can check for spots where plaque and tartar have accumulated and give you tips for keeping your smile clean.
5. It Could Help You Diagnose Oral Cancer Early
On average, one American dies of oral cancer every hour. However, if the disease is diagnosed and treated before it has a chance to spread, your odds of survival will be greatly improved. As such, an oral cancer screening is performed as part of every dental checkup.
If it has been more than six months since your last appointment, then you shouldn’t wait any longer. Start the new year off on the right foot and schedule a visit with your dentist today!
About the Author
Dr. Ray Voller has more than four decades’ worth of dental experience. He earned his dental doctorate from the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, and he has completed all seven levels of continuing education offered by the Pankey Institute. At his Kittanning practice, Voller Dentistry, he is dedicated to providing his patients with friendly and personalized care. To schedule a checkup with Dr. Voller for the new year, visit his website or call (724) 543-4948.