Have you ever been diagnosed with a lip or tongue tie? If you’ve done an internet search on the subject, you might have come across two very similar sounding treatments: frenectomies and frenotomies. But what’s the big difference, and why should you consider one over the other? Read on to learn what a frenectomy and a frenotomy are so you can make an informed decision.
What Is a Frenulum?
If you look in your mouth under your lips and tongue, you’ll find a band of tissue that connects to them. This is the frenulum, and it can be either lingual or labial (tongue or lip) depending on where it attaches. These tissues help stabilize the parts they attach to, making activities like eating and speaking easier. However, if it’s too large or thick, the frenulum can also be a major hinderance called a lip or tongue tie.
What Is a Frenectomy?
A frenectomy is a surgical procedure that removes frenulum to improve the range of motion of the lip or tongue. During a frenectomy, your dentist will cut the frenulum using a soft tissue laser to release the tension and allow for better mobility. Patients who experience significant limitations due to their ties typically have this treatment recommended to them.
What Is a Frenotomy?
On the other hand, a frenotomy is a less invasive procedure that involves making a small incision or snip in the frenulum to release the tension. Unlike a frenectomy, which involves complete removal or modification of the frenulum, frenotomy focuses on releasing the tightness without altering the tissue’s structure. Dentists can use a frenotomy to help infants and young children quickly and safely before developmental issues begin.
Which Treatment Should I Choose?
The decision between frenectomy and frenotomy depends on many factors, including the severity of the tie and the age of the patient. While frenectomy is more invasive, it may be necessary for severe cases or for older patients. This is why it’s important to speak with your dentist and get their opinion.
Both treatments are effective solutions for addressing lip and tongue ties, and by understanding the differences between them, you can make informed decisions. If you’ve been suffering due to a tie, don’t hesitate to reach out and seek treatment. It’s never too late to correct ties that are holding you back from enjoying your smile!
About the Author
If you need a frenectomy in the Kittanning area, Dr. Ray Voller is an expert dentist with over 40 years of experience. He earned his dental doctorate from the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine and has continued keeping pace with modern dental solutions ever since. His practice utilizes a state-of-the-art soft tissue laser to make your treatment less invasive and pain free. Call (724) 543-4948 to schedule a dental implant consultation or visit the website to see a full menu of treatments they offer.