When you received your dentures, chances are you weren’t thinking about when you’d need to replace them in the future. However, these traditional dental prosthetics don’t last forever—in fact, they usually need to be replaced about every 5 to 7 years! But other than the years passing, how do you know when it’s time to get a new set? Here are some signs to watch out for.
Your Dentures Feel Loose or Are Slipping.
While you’re carrying on a conversation with someone, the last thing you should be worried about is your prosthetic teeth coming out, but unfortunately, this situation can happen when dentures need to be replaced. Slippage can interfere with your ability to communicate and feel confident, and you may find yourself hiding or declining social opportunities because of embarrassment or the potential for it.
Replacing your old, ill-fitting dentures with a new set or with implant dentures can give you more confidence in your smile and your ability to talk without slippage.
Your Bite Isn’t as Strong or Comfortable as It Used to Be.
After getting your traditional dentures, you adjusted to eating with them and probably enjoyed various foods. Don’t take this for granted because eventually, biting and chewing may not be quite as easy. Over time, the jawbone alters, making the dentures not fit as snugly. Without adjustments or replacements, the disparity will get worse, weakening your bite and limiting your food options.
While soft foods are available, these types tend to be more processed and less nutritious. In order to maintain a healthier lifestyle, you need to make sure your dentures fit properly. In other words, if you aren’t able to bite or chew like you used to, it could be time to get new dentures.
Your Dentures Hurt Your Mouth.
Although your prosthetic teeth may feel strange when you first get them, they should never feel painful or uncomfortable. As the jawbone shrinks over time, certain areas can press on your gums, causing you pain. If this starts to occur, stop wearing your dentures and see your dentist for replacements.
Your Dentures Are Damaged.
Whether you accidentally drop them, or the materials just fail after so many years, damaged dentures are not safe to continue wearing. They could harm your soft tissues and any remaining teeth you have.
Instead of suffering with discomfort and inferior dentition, you should get replacement dentures immediately. Getting a new set or getting implant dentures is worthwhile to have a functional, confident smile.
About the Author
Dr. Ray Voller has more than 40 years of dentistry experience. During his career, he achieved accolades that few in the field have accomplished, including Mastership with the Academy of General Dentistry, Fellowship with the Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics, and completion of all 7 levels of education with the prestigious Pankey Institute. If you would like to discuss new dentures or dental implants with Dr. Voller, you may contact his Kittanning practice, Voller Dentistry online or call 724-543-4948 to schedule an appointment.