Dental implants are a relatively new, breakthrough restoration that can replace missing teeth seamlessly and comfortably. There’s plenty of reasons to find them appealing, but maybe you’re wondering how anchoring a titanium post to your jawbone is safe.
That’s understandable. Dental implant treatment is generally considered safe, but there are some details you should know about. Keep reading to learn more!
The Dental Implant Track Record
The first successful dental implants were placed in the early 1960’s. Since then, they’ve wracked up a 90% success rate – and some studies report an even higher rate. More often than not, patients are able to enjoy their new prosthetic teeth without complications.
This success can be attributed to dental implants’ unique design, as well as the diligence and skill of dental professionals. Titanium is biocompatible, meaning that the jawbone is all to happy to fuse with implant posts and keep them in place. Dentists, meanwhile, conduct thorough oral examinations so they can create the best treatment plan for their patients.
Treat Any Existing Oral Health Conditions
Part of this oral examination includes checking for existing oral health conditions, like cavities or gum disease. Tooth decay can’t chew holes into dental implants, but if it affects the structure of your natural teeth, your implants could lose support and become loose. Similarly, gum disease can weaken gums or cause them to recede, which can also result in wiggly implants.
If your dentist does find any signs of conditions like these, it’s best to treat them before continuing with a dental implant procedure.
Talk to Your Dentist About Your Health History
Certain medical conditions can impact the dental implant process. Autoimmune diseases, allergies, and diabetes, for example, can slow an individual’s healing process, and might require longer recovery times for proper implant-to-jawbone fusion. If you smoke, that’s also something you should let your dentist know about. The nicotine in tobacco products increases your risk of infection and causes inflammation around the implant site.
Basically, make sure to be thorough when discussing your health history with your dentist!
Are Dental Implants Right for Me?
While certain things can complicate a dental implant treatment, they don’t necessarily mean that you can’t receive them. Your dentist may be able to personalize your treatment plan, so you could still safely enjoy the benefits of these dental prosthetics. To determine whether dental implants are right for you, schedule a consultation with your dentist and trust them to guide you towards success!
About the Author
Dr. Ray Voller has over 40 years of experience in the field of dentistry, and partners with trusted local experts to provide his patients with the best dental implant treatment possible. If you’re interested in this restoration option, he’d be happy to discuss the details with you. To contact Dr. Voller’s office or schedule a consultation, call 724-543-4948.