Getting a dental crown can make your damaged tooth feel like new. Sooner or later though, your restoration will become worn down and need to be replaced. Most crowns last around 10 to 15 years, though some will have to be switched out sooner. Your dentist in Kittanning can determine whether a dental crown replacement is necessary during a regular checkup, but there are also several signs you might notice on your own. Read on to learn about 5 possible indicators that you need a new crown.
1. A Receding Gum Line
Bacteria are actually more likely to gather around a tooth that has a dental crown, so you have to pay extra attention when cleaning that particular area of your mouth. If a gum infection does occur, the tissue will start to pull away from the tooth, exposing more of the enamel. In other words, your tooth might look longer than before. After treating the issue, you’ll most likely need a new crown.
2. Pain or Swelling
Improperly fitted crowns tend to bother the gums, leading to pain and inflammation. It might be a result of the crown becoming old or damaged over time, or it might have just been placed too high on the tooth to begin with. Either way, the pain will continue until a new crown is placed.
3. Visible Wear and Tear
Take a look at the crown in the mirror. Does it look more worn down than when you first got it? If it’s several years old, that’s only to be expected, but sometimes such wear is a result of grinding your teeth together or regularly biting down on hard objects. Of course, you’ll need a dentist’s help to decide whether the current level of wear is enough to warrant a new crown.
4. Visible Damage
This is probably the easiest crown-related issue to figure out. If the restoration is broken, obviously it won’t be able to fulfil its function of protecting the tooth and helping you bite and chew your food. Some damage is more severe than others. Your dentist will need to evaluate the crown to decide whether it needs to be completely replaced or simply needs to be repaired.
5. Age
Even if you take good care of your crown and don’t notice any severe problems, you will most likely need to consider a replacement if it’s more than a decade old. The exact lifespan of any given crown varies depending on various factors, so it will largely be up to your dentist’s judgment to decide when a replacement is necessary.
Dental crowns in Kittanning are a reliable way to repair damaged teeth, but you should never take them for granted. Keep the above warning signs in mind so that you know to get in touch with your dentist as soon as a problem becomes obvious.
About the Author
Dr. Ray Voller began practicing in Kittanning after his graduation in 1980. He enjoys lecturing dental professionals and students about different topics that are relevant to modern dentistry. One of his favorite subjects is restorative dentistry, which includes dental crowns and making sure they last as long as possible. If you have concerns about an existing crown, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Voller through his website or by calling (724) 543-4948.