Tooth-Colored vs Metal Fillings: A Dentist Makes a Comparison

December 30, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 6:39 pm
metal and white fillings comparison

Tooth decay is a common problem. In fact, the vast majority of people will suffer from at least one cavity in their lifetime. Fillings can repair teeth, stop the spread of decay, and help your smile endure for decades. But what type of filling should you get? Traditional amalgam (metal) fillings have been around for years, and many dentists still use them. On the other hand, tooth-colored fillings are becoming ever more popular. A dentist in Fox Chapel is here compare these two types of restorations.


Why December is the Perfect Time to See Your Dentist in Kittanning

December 23, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 5:27 pm
tooth graphic for holidays

December is the perfect time to see your dentist in Kittanning. Waiting times are shorter and there’s no better gift you can give yourself than healthy teeth and gums. Plus, an oral exam can catch problems before they turn into painful toothaches or even worse.  


Can Invisalign in Fox Chapel Fix My Crooked Teeth?

December 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 6:26 pm
Invisalign case photo

A well-aligned set of teeth is attractive, but the benefits go beyond aesthetics. Straight teeth are easier to clean and are less likely to experience problems like decay and premature wear and tear. If you have misaligned teeth but do not want to wear traditional braces, you may be thinking about asking your dentist if Invisalign in Fox Chapel is an appropriate solution for you. Let’s talk about some of the factors that go into determining who is a good candidate for this treatment.


Dental Implants: Only Part of the Journey to a Restored Smile

November 27, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 7:31 pm
dental implant

Dental implants in Fox Chapel are a remarkable treatment. They can turn back the clock on tooth loss, restoring full dental function and enabling you to smile and eat with confidence. However, correcting severe oral health problems may require more than a dental implants procedure. You may need other dental work as well. Here is a look at some of the procedures that your dentist could include as part of your overall smile reconstruction plan.


Don’t Lose Your Insurance Benefits – Schedule With a Dentist In Fox Chapel!

October 16, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 11:04 am

A dental insurance claimBetween celebrating the holidays and wrapping up loose ends from the year, the last few months of the year are a busy time for everyone. And while you might not be thinking about your dental insurance, but you probably should be! Unfortunately, many people wind up losing their benefits by not scheduling with a dentist in Fox Chapel. In fact, a recent study by the American Dental Association found that the average annual benefit is $1,250 per person, but most people only get around $323 of dental work annually. That’s over $900 in benefits that many people are passing up! Keep reading below to find out what’s usually covered and get tips on how to take advantage of your benefits.


Case Study: Dental Crowns in Fox Chapel

September 30, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 7:21 pm

case study dental crownsSometimes, a tooth is too damaged to be repaired through a simple filling. A dental crown can be a good option in many of these cases. Below, find a case study of one of our recent success stories — and learn how dental crowns rescued her teeth and turned her smile into something she never wants to hide!


Case Study: Single-Tooth Dental Implant in Fox Chapel

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 12:55 am

case study photosOne of the most challenging cases in implant dentistry is when one front tooth remains but the one right beside it has been lost. We want to keep the healthy natural teeth for as long as possible — and that’s why matching a single crown to the adjacent tooth presents quite a complex case. Below, we have detailed the experience of one of our recent success stories, where we did just that. Keep reading to learn more about how a single dental implant restored this patient’s front teeth!


How Dental Crowns in Fox Chapel Save Your Oral Health

July 8, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 5:21 pm

A dental crown.Is your dentist telling you that your tooth needs a dental crown? For many people, it only feels like a cash-grab when their dentists tells them they need a crown placed. However, dental crowns are responsible for protecting the mouth in both the short- and long-term. Furthermore, the alternatives will only cost more money in comparison.

Dental crowns in Fox Chapel act as the compromise between placing a filling and replacing the natural tooth altogether. Keep reading to learn why your dentist is so adamant about protecting your tooth via crowns.


Cosmetic Dentist in Pittsburg Explains the Cost of Common Procedures

June 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — vollersmiles @ 9:29 pm

woman at dentistIf you are like one-third of adults, you do not like how your teeth look. If you are tired of feeling insecure about your appearance, you know that your cosmetic dentist in Pittsburg can help; however, you are concerned about the cost of the treatments. Although they can be expensive, they are now more affordable than ever. When determining how much you can expect to pay for your new smile, there are several things to consider, such as the type of procedure and your dental insurance.

How Your Cosmetic Dentist in Pittsburgh Removes White Spots on Teeth

June 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 6:28 pm

A person smiling.Do you notice white spots on the surface of your teeth? While these blemishes don’t necessarily affect your oral health, they can make you feel insecure about your smile. When your smile is healthy and you visit the dentist regularly, you should have the chance to show it off, not feel uncomfortable during social outings or work events.

Luckily, your cosmetic dentist in Pittsburgh has everything you need to get those white spots treated. First, let’s examine how they appear in the first place.


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