How to Properly Take Care of Your Implant Overdentures

March 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 2:17 pm

Cleaning and protecting your teeth should always be some of your top priorities – even when those teeth are actually overdentures attached to dental implants! When surgically placed in the jaw, implants can stabilize and strengthen a new smile for decades, but that can only happen as long as you’re practicing proper maintenance. How can you protect your new teeth once your smile has been restored? Read on to learn everything you need to know about taking care of dental implants in Kittanning.


4 Ways to Remove Dental Decay and Restore Your Teeth

March 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 9:26 pm
Close-up of teeth before and after tooth decay is treated

During your last checkup, your dentist confirmed your worst fears: you have a cavity. You know that if you don’t do something about it, you could end up with a toothache and, in the worst-case scenario, a damaged or incomplete grin. Obviously, you’ll want the cavity treated and your tooth restored sooner rather than later. The question, then, is this: what kind of treatment should it be? Will fillings or dental crowns in Kittanning be enough, or is a more advanced procedure needed? Below are 4 possible solutions for tooth decay; keep reading to learn how they work and when they might be used.


The Dangers of a Restricted Airway While Sleeping

February 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 3:24 pm

How well do you breathe while you’re asleep? If your partner has noticed that you snore or gasp for air during the night, odds are that your airway is being restricted or even blocked altogether. As you might imagine, this can be extremely dangerous; not only will you not get enough sleep to function properly and drive safely during the day, but your risk of potentially fatal heart disease will be much harder. Your dentist in Kittanning can help you recognize the true harm of a restricted airway – as well as the importance of receiving treatment now!


4 Reasons to Get ClearCorrect to Straighten Your Teen’s Teeth

February 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 10:02 pm
Clear Aligner

Braces are extremely reliable and are often a perfect solution for creating a straighter smile. However, your teen likely will not be looking forward to wearing them due to worries about their appearance as well as concerns about their personal comfort. As a result, you’ll probably want to look for an alternative treatment, and luckily, depending on the kind of corrections needed, your orthodontist in Kittanning might be able to offer one. Here are 4 benefits your child might enjoy if they receive ClearCorrect in the place of metal brackets and wires.


3 Reasons to Get a Tooth-Colored Filling Instead of Traditional Metal Fillings

January 31, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 1:09 pm
Metal and tooth-colored fillings

For over 150 years (according to the FDA), dentists have been using fillings to repair teeth that have suffered from decay. Traditionally, they’ve been made out of metals such as gold or a silver amalgam, but nowadays your restoration could be made out of a composite resin – also known as a tooth-colored filling. Depending on your situation, there’s a good chance your dentist in Kittanning will recommend this type of filling over a metal one. Here are just 3 reasons why you might benefit from fixing your smile with a tooth-colored material.


Give Yourself a Beautiful New Smile for the New Year!

January 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 1:08 pm

What kind of goals have you set for the new year? Many people focus on improving their health by losing weight or paying closer attention to their diet. But maybe you’re thinking that you specifically want to boost your confidence and improve your self-image. If that’s the case, a visit to your cosmetic dentist in Kittanning could be just the thing you need to start 2020 off on the right foot! Read on to learn about the impact a better smile can have on your life as well as the various options available.


The Aging Smile: What You Can Do About the Years Showing on Your Teeth

December 31, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 10:14 pm
Stained Smile

Did you know that your smile is likely to age much faster than the rest of your body? As time goes by, your teeth will become yellower, appear worn, and are more likely to be chipped or damaged; you might notice that other people are assuming that you’re older than you actually are. If you want a grin that looks as young as you feel, read on to learn how your pearly whites are aging you – and how a cosmetic dentist in Kittanning can help!


Why You Need to Find a Dentist That Can See the Whole Family

December 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 4:19 pm

Some dentists specialize in treating children through multiple stages in life while others are more comfortable working with adults. But why spend the extra time and effort to take you and your little ones to several different practices when everyone can get the care they need at just one? Here are 4 reasons why finding a dentist that can provide regular cleanings and other services for the entire family could leave you and everyone else with a bigger, brighter smile.


How Does Lip Tie Hurt the Rest of the Mouth?

November 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 9:56 pm
Lip Tie

Does your baby have trouble breastfeeding? It might mean they have lip tie, a condition where the frenulum connecting the upper lip to the inside of the mouth is too thick or stiff. While they might eventually be able to learn to live with it, over time a lip tie can negatively affect your child’s oral development. Read on to learn why you should schedule a frenectomy in Pittsburgh for your little one as soon as possible.


Is There Such a Thing as “Too Old for Braces”?

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 9:46 pm

Some adults are afraid to ask about getting braces; they may assume that they might just be too old for the treatment, or they could be wary of discomfort or embarrassment. However, the truth is that orthodontic treatment can work just as well for adults as it does for children! Read on to learn how you can benefit from visiting the orthodontist in Kittanning at any age.

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