Frenectomy in Pittsburgh Can Help Prevent Bacteria Infection

May 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 7:16 pm
Mouth before and after frenectomy

Did you know that “being tongue-tied” isn’t just an expression? Sometimes the connective tissue in your mouth may restrict the movement of your lips and tongue, making the everyday tasks of eating and speaking more difficult. Fortunately, your dentist can help you with this situation, and with modern technology the surgery is easier than ever. Learn how a frenectomy in Pittsburgh can help free up your mouth – as well as the best way to undergo the procedure.


Why You Should See Your Dentist in Kittanning for Botox

May 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 6:55 pm
Botox patient before and after

If you’ve been concerned about wrinkles, you’ve probably heard plenty of stories of people using Botox to look younger. But did you know that your dentist in Kittanning may be able to perform this procedure? In recent years, more and more dental offices have been offering the treatment for certain physical and cosmetic problems. Here’s what you need to know about Botox and how your dentist can use it to benefit you.


We’re Excited to Welcome a New Dentist In Fox Chapel To Our Team

April 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 9:03 pm
Photo of Dr. Voller and Dr. Kaur

Whether you’ve been a patient of ours for a long time or you haven’t had your first visit with us yet, we’d like to introduce you to a new dentist in Fox Chapel that’s recently joined our team: Dr. Kiranpreet Kaur. At Voller Dentistry, we’ve been serving the community for nearly four decades and are thrilled to know our patients will continue getting the same level of care they’re accustomed to. Dr. Kaur and the rest of the team look forward to serving your dental needs for many years to come!


Dentist In Fox Chapel Discusses Oral Cancer Screenings Done At Each Checkup

April 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 11:24 am
Dental patient getting an oral cancer screening

Oral cancer is a devastating disease that’s more common than you may realize. In fact, an estimated 53,000 people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year and one person will die from it every hour. Thankfully, there is some good news: Oral cancer is highly treatable and has a survival rate of 85-90% when it’s caught early. That’s why it’s so crucial to get regular oral cancer screenings, which are done at each checkup with a dentist in Fox Chapel. And, since April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, it’s a great time to learn more about these life-saving screenings in this blog!  


How Your Dentist in Fox Chapel Uses Plaque to Protect You

March 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 2:05 pm
microscope sampling

It might seem counterintuitive to say that dental plaque can actually play a role in protecting your oral and overall health. After all, your dentist in Fox Chapel is always telling you to brush and floss in order to get rid of plaque — and that is completely sound advice. But did you know that by sampling the plaque and bacteria in your mouth, your dentist can gain profound insight into your present and perhaps even your future oral health? Let’s discuss how the phase contrast microscope makes this possible.


A Dentist Explains the Dangers of Airway and Palatal Constriction

March 11, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 6:35 pm
palatal constriction

Your orofacial structural, including the teeth, jaw, airway, and more, form a complex network. Each part of that network should contribute to proper breathing, speaking, and chewing. However, if any of your orofacial structures develop improperly or become malformed for other reasons, you could face serious oral and overall health problems. A dentist in Fox Chapel is here to discuss the dangers of airway and palatal constriction and the treatment that may be able to help you.


Will People Be Able to Tell That I Have Dental Implants?

February 27, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 4:55 pm
dental implant case

If you need to undergo tooth replacement, you might be a bit nervous that your new smile will look unnatural. The last thing you want is for onlookers to be so focused on your teeth that they miss out on your wonderful personality. There’s really no need to worry. If you are preparing to receive dental implants in Fox Chapel, you can look forward to owning new teeth that are virtually indistinguishable from their natural counterparts.


Dental Implants: The Best Way to Replace a Single Tooth

February 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 6:04 pm
single tooth implant

Are you missing a single tooth? Not only is that gap in your smile embarrassing, but it can also lead to other oral health problems. For example, the adjacent teeth may drift out of place. You could even suffer from further tooth loss. Replacing your tooth can prevent such issues and renew your confidence! Let’s discuss why dental implants in Fox Chapel are the best treatment option for filling in the empty space and restoring your smile.


Dentist in Fox Chapel Says Routine Visits Protect Long-Term Health

January 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 12:24 am
A mouth with an oral infection.

Everyone understands the importance of routine at-home oral care. Brushing and flossing will make up the majority of your protection from decay and gum disease in between routine dental visits, but it’s important that you don’t allow your at-home care to replace preventive visits altogether. Doing so could truly spell disaster for your long-term oral health.

Here’s what you can avoid with routine appointments and what you can expect when visiting a dentist in Fox Chapel.


Dentist in Kittanning Offers Ozone Therapy for Patients!

January 9, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 11:35 pm
A closeup of a patient receiving ozone therapy.

When you’re getting dental treatment, it helps to know that you’re utilizing all of your options to maximize the success of your outcome. When it comes to treatments that revolve around treating oral infections, including infections caused by tooth decay and gum disease, it’s best to have ozone therapy accompany that treatment.

But what is ozone therapy and how does it work? How can it benefit your next visit to a dentist in Kittanning? Keep reading to learn the benefits today!

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