Getting a dental crown can make your damaged tooth feel like new. Sooner or later though, your restoration will become worn down and need to be replaced. Most crowns last around 10 to 15 years, though some will have to be switched out sooner. Your dentist in Kittanning can determine whether a dental crown replacement is necessary during a regular checkup, but there are also several signs you might notice on your own. Read on to learn about 5 possible indicators that you need a new crown.
(more…)How to Tell That Your Crown Needs to Be Replaced
December 12, 2020
4 Tips for Getting Through the Holidays Without a Dental Disaster
December 8, 2020
During the holidays, you’ll probably find yourself spending more time with your family and friends during numerous special occasions. Naturally, you can expect plenty of holiday foods and drinks during these celebrations. But before you get too carried away in treating yourself, it’s important to make sure that you’re staying mindful about your dental hygiene. After all, you want your natural teeth and dental crowns to stay strong and beautiful well past New Year’s! Below you’ll find 4 tips from a dentist in Kittanning that will help keep your smile safe while you’re savoring the season.
(more…)The Difference Between Dental Insurance and a Dental Discount Plan
November 30, 2020
Paying the entire cost of dental care yourself is a tall order for many people; this is an important reason why dental insurance exists. Of course, not everyone has dental insurance, which is why many practices offer their own in-house discount plan. Both insurance and dental discount plans are useful for reducing your out-of-pocket costs for dental care, but there are some important differences in how they work and what kind of benefits they offer. Your dentist in Kittanning can go over these differences with you so that you can pick the savings strategy that’s best for you and your loved ones.
(more…)What Does It Feel Like to Have Dental Implants?
November 22, 2020
Naturally, you’ll want to consider all of your options very carefully when considering the kind of restoration that you want to use to replace your missing teeth. Dental implants in Kittanning offer numerous benefits, but some people are nervous about how they’ll look and feel once they’re in place. Read on to learn about what you can expect from your new tooth after implant placement and how it might compare to traditional bridges and crowns.
(more…)Tips for Flossing with Dental Implants
October 20, 2020
No matter how many dental implants in Kittanning you rely on for smiling, speaking and chewing, you need to care for them as if they were your real teeth. Implants can’t develop cavities, but if gum disease develops around them, they could eventually loosen and might need to be removed. In order to protect yourself from the near constant threat of gum disease, you need to make flossing a regular part of your oral hygiene routine if it isn’t already. Of course, flossing around implants can be a bit tricky; here are some tips to make sure you’re doing the job properly in order to keep your new teeth safe.
(more…)The Truth About Dental Implants: 5 Important Facts
September 30, 2020
About half a million people replace their missing teeth with dental implants every year; it’s no exaggeration to say that it’s the new “gold standard” that dentists like to recommend when there’s empty space in the smile that needs to be filled. Despite this, though, there are quite a few misconceptions about dental implants floating around. It’s important to be able to separate the myths from the facts so that you fully understand just how beneficial implant-retained teeth really are as well as what you can expect during the process. Here are 5 facts about dental implants in Kittanning that just might surprise you.
(more…)4 Important Facts About Porcelain Veneers
August 20, 2020
You look at your teeth in the mirror every day, and you find yourself growing more and more embarrassed about all the stains and chips you see. It’s getting to the point where you find it more difficult to smile in front of people that you don’t know very well. You’ve decided that it’s time: you’re going to ask your cosmetic dentist for porcelain veneers in Kittanning. Before you do, though, it’s important for you to know exactly what you can expect from the procedure. Here are 4 facts about veneers that you should know before scheduling a consultation.
(more…)What Does It Mean When There’s a Black Line Around Your Crown?
July 27, 2020
When you first got your dental crowns in Kittanning, they were so lifelike that no one else could even tell they weren’t real teeth. Eventually, though, you noticed that black lines were starting to appear on the crowns. You might be concerned when you first see the discoloration, but rest assured that it doesn’t mean that there’s anything structurally wrong with the restoration – though it’s obviously an aesthetic problem. Why do these black lines form, and what can you do about them? Read on to learn the answers so that you can keep your smile looking bright.
(more…)4 Reasons to Start Your Child’s Orthodontic Treatment During the Summer
June 17, 2020
When school lets out for the summer, you and your child will probably be looking forward to plenty of fun and relaxation over the next few months. But before you get too far ahead of yourself with your summer plans, you should consider one important thing: summer is actually the perfect opportunity to begin any orthodontic treatments that your child might need to enjoy a straight, perfectly aligned smile later in life. In this post, you’ll learn 4 important reasons why you should be giving orthodontics in Kittanning some serious thought before summer vacation ends.
(more…)Dental Chairside Suction: What Exactly Is It For?
June 3, 2020
During your last checkup with the dentist in Kittanning, you probably remember a suction device being placed in your mouth at regular intervals. What exactly is that device being used for? And is it really important for cleaning your smile? Of course, the answer is that chairside dental suction has always been a key part of dental safety – and during the COVID-19 pandemic, that’s truer now than ever before! Keep reading to learn more about this often overlooked – yet invaluable – aspect of dental care.