Give Yourself a Beautiful New Smile for the New Year!

January 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 1:08 pm

What kind of goals have you set for the new year? Many people focus on improving their health by losing weight or paying closer attention to their diet. But maybe you’re thinking that you specifically want to boost your confidence and improve your self-image. If that’s the case, a visit to your cosmetic dentist in Kittanning could be just the thing you need to start 2020 off on the right foot! Read on to learn about the impact a better smile can have on your life as well as the various options available.


The Aging Smile: What You Can Do About the Years Showing on Your Teeth

December 31, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 10:14 pm
Stained Smile

Did you know that your smile is likely to age much faster than the rest of your body? As time goes by, your teeth will become yellower, appear worn, and are more likely to be chipped or damaged; you might notice that other people are assuming that you’re older than you actually are. If you want a grin that looks as young as you feel, read on to learn how your pearly whites are aging you – and how a cosmetic dentist in Kittanning can help!


Why You Need to Find a Dentist That Can See the Whole Family

December 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 4:19 pm

Some dentists specialize in treating children through multiple stages in life while others are more comfortable working with adults. But why spend the extra time and effort to take you and your little ones to several different practices when everyone can get the care they need at just one? Here are 4 reasons why finding a dentist that can provide regular cleanings and other services for the entire family could leave you and everyone else with a bigger, brighter smile.


How Does Lip Tie Hurt the Rest of the Mouth?

November 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 9:56 pm
Lip Tie

Does your baby have trouble breastfeeding? It might mean they have lip tie, a condition where the frenulum connecting the upper lip to the inside of the mouth is too thick or stiff. While they might eventually be able to learn to live with it, over time a lip tie can negatively affect your child’s oral development. Read on to learn why you should schedule a frenectomy in Pittsburgh for your little one as soon as possible.


Is There Such a Thing as “Too Old for Braces”?

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 9:46 pm

Some adults are afraid to ask about getting braces; they may assume that they might just be too old for the treatment, or they could be wary of discomfort or embarrassment. However, the truth is that orthodontic treatment can work just as well for adults as it does for children! Read on to learn how you can benefit from visiting the orthodontist in Kittanning at any age.


Make the Most of Your Dental Insurance Before Year’s End

October 24, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 1:28 pm
Dental insurance form

If you’re paying for dental insurance, it would be a waste of money to let your benefits reset at the end of the year without having taken full advantage of them. If you haven’t visited your dentist in Kittanning at least twice this year, or if there’s a certain treatment or procedure that could help you better protect your smile, now could be your last chance to get the most out of your plan before December 31st arrives.


How to Give Your Child a Happy Halloween with Braces

October 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 1:23 pm
Jack-o-lantern with braces

As a parent, you naturally want your child to be able to join in on all the fun during Halloween, but if they’re wearing braces, you’ll need to take extra precautions to make sure the treats they enjoy don’t end up sending them to an orthodontist in Kittanning for an emergency appointment. Here are 4 tips to help your little one enjoys October 31st without putting their smile in jeopardy.


Free Your Child’s Tied Tongue or Lips with Laser Frenectomy in Kittanning

September 27, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 8:34 pm
Tongue tie

Does your child have trouble with breastfeeding? Or do they struggle when trying to make certain sounds? If so, they may have a severe case of tongue tie or lip tie that’s stopping your little one from moving their mouth as freely as they need to in order to perform certain oral tasks. How does this happen, and how can a laser frenectomy in Kittanning help? Here’s what you’ll need to know to help make sure your child grows up being able to enjoy life as fully as possible.


What are Your Crowns and Fillings Made Of?

September 26, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 8:26 pm
Crowns and fillings

It goes without saying that if your tooth has been broken after crunching on some ice or if you have a large cavity that needs to be filled in, your first call should be to your dentist in Kittanning. They’ll create a restoration for you and you alone that’ll protect your pearly whites and help prevent further damage. But what kind will you get? Learn more about the different materials used to make crowns and fillings as well as why they might be chosen.


ClearCorrect or Braces: Making the Right Choice for a Better Smile

August 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — vollersmiles @ 8:19 pm

Think you’re too old to do anything about crooked teeth or a misaligned bite? Think again! Nowadays, adults make up a quarter of all orthodontic patients. But what kind of treatment will you get? Many prefer see-through ClearCorrect aligners for several reasons, but there are cases where traditional metal braces will still be the best option. Here are the pros and cons that your dentist or orthodontist in Kittanning will consider before putting you on the path towards an improved smile.

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